Archiv článků
29.10.2022 18:19
28.10. se narodilo 11 stenat! 8 pejsku a 3 fenky po Caiman WS x Anoki WS. Volni pejsci k rezervaci!
28.10. 11 puppies were born out of Caiman WS x Anoki WS! 8 boys and 3 girls. We have boys available!
zdravi / health
29.10.2022 18:16
Nora heart/ srdce and eyes/oci - clear
17.10.2022 09:08
Zoltan CUP Hluboka (CZ) in ZZP 1 + Best searching
Zoltan Pohar mesta Hluboka ZZP 1 - 1.misto a Nejlepsi special
new trial/ zkouska
17.10.2022 08:50
Joshi BH-VT
RIP Horus
17.10.2022 08:35
Horus *26.2.2009 +14.10.2022
Our big guy we had to let you stay in our hearts and you continue alive in the veins of your offspring...
Nas velkej chlape, museli jsme te nechat odejit, ale zustavas v nasich srdcich a tvoje krev koluje dal ve tvych potomcich...
Puppies/ stenata
26.09.2022 08:06
We expect puppies out of Anoki WS x Caiman WS. Anoki is pregnant, puppies expected by the end of October.
Cekame stenata! Ultrazvuk potvrdil brezost Anoki. Stenatka ocekavame po Caiman WS x Anoki WS, narozeni koncem rijna.
new photo
26.09.2022 08:05
Murphy new photo- nova fotka
26.09.2022 08:02
Dracarys OCD negative
Temperament test TAN
19.09.2022 11:23
Camaro 8-8-8 TAN Exc. judged by Mr. Aubry
trials/ zkousky
19.09.2022 11:17
Zoramena BGH 3
Irun BH-VT, IGP 1 (95-98-97)
Záznamy: 21 - 30 ze 358