
Archiv článků

planned litter/planovany vrh

27.04.2022 13:23
Unfortunately Anoki didn't became pregnant Anoki bohuzel nezabrezla.

new trial/ zkouska

15.04.2022 13:53
Kojak passed BH-VT / Kojak slozil BH-VT

show /vystavy

03.04.2022 18:28
Rumba du Gex d'Emplume (in co ownership) achieved JCh CZ Rumba (ve spolumajitelstvi) ziskala titul JCh CZ

nove kryti / new mating

02.04.2022 17:59
21.3. Ragnar du Stuyver Veld mated Anoki. More info here 21.3. Ragnar nakryl Anoki. Vice info zde

new trial/ zkouska

31.03.2022 19:58
Bronca IFH 1 90b.

Python´s offspring

15.03.2022 18:26
Jaguar DGV, sired by our Python achieved his RING 3  / Jaguar DGV syn naseho Pythona splnil RING 3 

zdravi / health

04.03.2022 10:05
Rumba du Gex d'Emplume HD A, ED 0, OCD clear Carkula OCD clear Kea HD A (in Germany) Anoki ED 0, OCD clear

health / zdravi

27.02.2022 14:39
Because of fals roomers being spred out on social network about the health condition of our 10 year old stud Python, we decided to repeat his shoulder X-rays officially. The result is OCD clear. Before sedation he had his heart checked. Anoki, 4 year old female in co-ownership was x-rayed with the...


27.02.2022 14:32
Unfortunately, Carkula didn't get pregnant. / Bohuzel kryti Carkuly se nezdarilo.

availbale male young adult / volny mlady pes

16.02.2022 13:24
Searching new owner or co-owner for young Beauceron male Ragnar du Stuyver Veld. Strong, almost two years old dog with much personality, dominant and needing activity. Only suitable for expereinced dog person, best for duty type police or prison patrol or professional guard dog. Impressive...
Záznamy: 51 - 60 ze 358
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