
Archiv článků

We have puppies/ mame stenata!

27.03.2021 13:01
20.3. Were 3 males and 6 females born/20.3.se narodila stenata, vrh M 3 3 kluci a 6 holek. Nezadane jsou 2 fenky! 


08.03.2021 07:47
Dracarys and Norah are expecting puppies! / Dracarys i Norah jsou březí! 

new article/novy clanek

07.02.2021 08:00
 New article about 15 years breeding in numbers  / Novy prispevek o 15 let chovu v cislech  

new mating /nove kryti

30.01.2021 19:57
New mating between Python x Norah. More info here  / 30.1. probehlo kryti mezi Python x Norah. Vice info zde


16.01.2021 21:17
 Zoltan  new health test officilly echocardiography negative, DOV (eyes) clear, ED 0/0, Spondilosis 0 Zoltan nove zdravotni testy oficialne, echocardiography negativni, DOV (oci) negativni, DLK 0/0, Spondiloza 0  


05.12.2020 08:09
Carkula HD A, ED 0/0

new trial/ zkouska

09.11.2020 14:23
Charon BH 1 (Switzerland)

litter L / vrh L

09.11.2020 14:09
7.11. were two boys born out of Jaeger x Samba. Both boys are reserved. 7.11. se narodili dva kluci ze spojeni Jaeger x Samba. Oba kluci jsou zadani

new trials/nove zkousky

02.11.2020 08:49
Duncan passed BH VT and Dayta passed IBGH 1 / Duncan slozil BH VT a Dayta IBGH 1

new trial/ zkouska

25.10.2020 06:42
Brandy passed IGP 1 with 98-85-87 / Brandy slozil IGP 1 
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